Automating your leads with Integration
Advanced Process Controls and Batch Control PLC, DCS, HMI, Drive and More Solutions
About RP Automations
RP Automations is a preferred solutions provider for Industrial Automation to the world’s leading plant owners and process suppliers to enhance their productivity and efficiency. Since 2016, 80+ leading plant owners including many process suppliers have trusted us with delivering 500+ control systems program in India and abroad. Our team together has experience on designing and deploying Batch & Continuous Process Control. We have bundled our knowledge and expertise in delivering customized solution with high performance system for the customer.
While we have served most industries our best experience is in Pharmaceuticals, Automotive, Specialty Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Water & Waste Water Management, Power, Lube Oil & Lubricants, Material Handling.
Our Clients
To provide Solutions with our Team and Esteemed Clients to achieve their objectives and gain recognition.
To provide Reliable, Safe and User-friendly solutions.